Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 5 - Pumpkin Coconut Chicken Soup

Budget tip for the day: buy canned pumpkin instead of real. Buy real yams instead of canned. Buy frozen butternut squash instead of real, it's cheaper and a lot less work.

Still losing... that's ok with me. Today I ate the most delicious thing ever. I took a can of pumpkin and made it into a soup with shredded leftover coconut chicken and some butternut squash. You know, one of those frozen boxes of cooked squash? Added some onions and some mushrooms and it was delicious. I think next time I'll avoid using the canned "pumpkin pie" and just make it from scratch with less syrup and perhaps a little kick. It would be good with a pinch of cloves or some cumin too. Yum!

I am really glad I made the chocolate paleo granola. It's really nice to have some finger food and a crunch whenever I want it. I think I'll try that again and just change things up a bit with the nuts.

What amazes me is that I feel like I'm eating a lot of food - I ate almost a half cup of the granola and some additional trail mix to boot - but I'm still losing weight. Now that's what I'm talking about!

I happened to mention paleo to some of my coworkers today. Nobody's ever heard of it. I'm hoping I can keep this up and then be an advocate for this new way of eating. I just feel so much better!

I'm not posting the actual recipe for the pumpkin soup until I try it again with pure pumpkin. Check back later if you want to see how it goes!

Does anyone else have any other ideas for paleo granola?

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